Three Types of Coverage in Your Home Insurance Policy

Home insurance is vital for anyone who owns a home. Not only is it likely required by your Homeowners Association (HOA) or lender, but it’s essential for protecting yourself against various risks. A typical home policy includes many types of coverage, each serving a crucial role in maintaining your financial security. If you’re considering home insurance, don’t hesitate to contact Wai Cheng Insurance Inc. in the Bay Area, CA.

Coverage for Your Belongings

Protecting your belongings should be a top priority. Numerous events can lead to destruction or damage. Having a home policy can ensure that the costs of replacing your belongings are covered, potentially saving you hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Coverage for Your Dwelling

Your home also requires protection. From natural disasters to accidental damage, a multitude of risks exist. In the aftermath of such events, repair costs can be immensely high. Home insurance can significantly ease these expenses.

Coverage for Liability

Liability coverage is also necessary. You may be liable for all associated costs if a third party is injured on your property. This type of coverage helps pay for such expenses, a helpful assurance in an era of surging medical bills.

Purchasing Home Insurance

When you need such crucial insurance and the myriad coverage types it offers, don’t hesitate to contact us at Wai Cheng Insurance Inc. in the Bay Area, CA.

The Pros/Cons of High vs. Low Deductibles for Home Insurance

Understanding the Role of Deductibles in Your Home Insurance

A deductible pertains to the specific amount you must pay for expenses due to a loss before your insurance company reimburses for damages caused by a covered incident. According to the experts at Wai Cheng Insurance Inc. in Bay Area, CA, your optimal deductible level depends on your financial situation, risk tolerance, and more.

Choosing a Higher Deductible for Home Insurance

  • Pros: The key reason many individuals favor a high deductible is linked to the fact that resulting premiums are generally lower. You are essentially taking on more risk, which can save you money in the long run, especially if you file few claims.
  • Cons: If a claim is needed, your out-of-pocket costs will be considerably higher due to the premium of your high deductible.

Choosing a Lower Deductible for Home Insurance

  • Pros: With a lower deductible, your out-of-pocket expenses are less if a claim becomes necessary. This provides peace of mind and ensures you’re more comprehensively insured.
  • Cons: When opting for a lower deductible, your premiums rise since you’re shifting potential risk to the insurer. However, if claims are infrequent, you may pay higher premiums without receiving any financial benefits.

In summary, the best deductible for you depends on your situation, budget, risk tolerance, and more. For further guidance, contact the insurance professionals at Wai Cheng Insurance Inc.

Is Home Insurance Required in California?

If you own a home in beautiful sunny California, you may be wondering if home insurance is required. While the state does not require you to have home insurance, your lender or mortgage company may require you to do so. Even if you are not required to have a home insurance policy in place, it’s a great idea to have one anyway for the peace of mind it brings in knowing that one of your largest investments is protected properly. Our agents at Wai Cheng Insurance Inc. serving the Bay Area, CA region are ready to assist you with all of your home insurance needs.

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

You cannot predict the future which means you do not know when a fire will break out at your home or a natural disaster will occur. With the proper amount of home insurance in place, you will know that you can repair or rebuild your house if one of those types of incidents occurs or if someone vandalizes your house or commits theft.

A good home insurance policy will not only cover the structure of your house but any outbuildings, such as privacy fences, garage, or shed, that are on your property as well as your personal belongings. The contents of your home are just as important as the house itself and a home insurance policy will replace your personal belongings, such as clothing and toiletries, furniture, appliances, electronics, and more if it covered event happens.

Keep in mind that most home insurance policies do not cover flooding or earthquakes. If you think you need those types of coverage options, they can be added to your main home insurance policy.

Consult With Us

Contact our agents at Wai Cheng Insurance Inc. serving the Bay Area, CA region today to get your home insurance policy started!

Is having a home insurance plan always a good idea in California?

One of the best investments that someone in the Bay Area, CA area could have made in recent years was to purchase a home. This area of the country has continued to see sizable increases in property values, which has made it a great place to own real estate. If you are going to purchase a home in this region, you will want to have insurance for it for multiple reasons. 

Protect Your Home

A great reason to have a home insurance plan when you are here is that it can ensure you are able to protect your property. There will always be a risk that your home could be damaged in a fire, accident, or bad storm. If you are not insured, you will need to cover the costs out of pocket. With insurance, you will have the support needed to cover these costs. 

Reduce Liability Risks

It is also a good idea to get a home insurance plan to reduce your liability risks. If you own a property, you can be held liable if there are damages resulting from an accident on your property. If you are not properly insured, you will not have support. Your home insurance plan will provide a certain level of personal liability coverage in these situations. 

Reach Out To Us

No matter where you live in the Bay Area, CA area, you will want to have the right insurance in place for your home. When you are looking for a new home here, it would be smart to call our team at Wai Cheng Insurance Inc. At Wai Cheng Insurance Inc., we know the complexities and importance that come with choosing a home insurance plan. With our support, you can build a policy that is ideal for your situation. 

How Home Insurance Protects You

Everyone who owns a home should have home insurance from the first day that they own the home. That policy should stay in effect until the day they sell their home. A homeowner should never be without these policies so that they are always well protected. To get a policy for your home, call us at Wai Cheng Insurance Inc. in Bay Area, CA. 

Why Home Insurance

Protection for Your Home

Your home is your most important asset, and you need to protect it with a home insurance policy. These policies offer protection against a number of risk types from accidents to specific disasters. When an event happens that damages your home, you could be out many thousands of dollars in repair costs. The policy will pay for those repairs so it won’t all be up to you to come up with the funds. 

Protection for Your Liability

Another type of home protection offered by this insurance is the liability coverage it includes. When someone from outside your household comes in and has an injury in your home, you would be liable for all of their costs. This may include the legal costs, lost wages, and any medical bills that stem from the accident. 

Protection for Your Possessions

When you have home insurance, it also protects all of the possessions that you have inside your home. A damaging incident like a natural disaster can ruin your possessions or completely destroy them. When this happens, the policy will be there to pay for you to get the items you need to replace what you lost. Your possessions add up to a lot of value, and they need protection just like your home does. 

Protect Yourself With Home Insurance

If you own a home and need insurance for it, call us at Wai Cheng Insurance Inc. in Bay Area, CA.

When you buy a house do you need home insurance at closing?

When you buy a home in the Bay Area, CA, you’ll need to purchase home insurance to cover it against loss. At Wai Cheng Insurance Inc. we understand that if you have never purchased a home before, you might not know that you’ll need to obtain your insurance policy before you close on your home.

When to purchase home insurance

That might sound strange, but you must purchase home insurance before you own the home. Most mortgage lenders require proof of purchase of home insurance at the closing. The term closing refers to a meeting at which you sign all of the paperwork and finalize the home’s purchase. Your bank or credit union requires certain paperwork at this meeting to show that you’re ready to take possession of the home.

A home insurance policy that meets the requirements of the mortgage lender tops the list of needs. Home insurance provides the bank with assurance that if something happens to the home to reduce its value, such as a fire or tornado causing damage, the bank won’t lose its investment. That’s called risk reduction.

When a lender provides you with a mortgage to purchase a home, until you pay the mortgage, the bank actually owns the home. Each payment you make on the mortgage earns you equity in the home. Once your equity equals 100 percent, you own the home.

When you buy a home policy to close on a home, the policy uses an insurance binder, a temporary agreement between the insurance company, in this case, Wai Cheng Insurance Inc., and you. The policy becomes permanent when you close on the Bay Area, CA house.

What Does Home Owner Insurance Cover?

Wai Cheng Insurance Inc. in Bay Area, CA is happy to help the area residents with all their insurance needs. When you go to buy a home, you also need to get homeowner’s insurance. However, you may be overwhelmed by all of the choices that you may have. There are different prices because some cover more than others. 

That being said, a standard homeowner’s insurance will cover basically the same things.

These include: 

Repair and replacement. Most standard insurance policies will cover the cost to repair and replace your home (and everything in it) if there is damage. This may be due to fire, smoke, or even storm damage. Most also cover damage due to theft and vandalism. 

Outbuildings. Most policies will cover the repair or replacement of outbuildings that are on your property, such as garages and barns. If you have a swimming pool, swing set, or fence, that may also be covered. 

Alternative lodging. If your home is severely damaged, and you need to live elsewhere, your expenses may also be paid by your insurance company. 

Liability. Liability will protect you if someone gets injured on your property. It will pay for their medical expenses. If you are sued, it will help to cover your legal fees.

Though you may want to save some money, the truth is that you need to have homeowners insurance. It will cover the expense of fixing your home, as well as any outbuildings that you may have. It also covers liability, which will protect you in case someone is seriously injured at your home. 

Get Home Insurance Today

If you want to make sure that your home is protected in the Bay Area, CA, don’t hesitate to contact us today at Wai Cheng Insurance Inc. 

How to Build an Emergency Preparedness Kit

Any time is a great time to start thinking about emergency preparedness. For those who live in disaster-prone areas like Bay Area, CA, it is essential to have an emergency kit on hand. 

Here are some tips from Wai Cheng Insurance Inc. on what to include in your emergency preparedness kit.

Why You Need an Emergency Supplies Kit

Regardless of your location or climate, you can be affected by natural disasters. Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods are all possible threats in any part of the world.

In an emergency, it is essential to have a kit of supplies that will last you and your family for at least 72 hours. Preparing a kit of supplies in advance will help you weather any emergency.

What to Include in Your Emergency Supplies Kit

When assembling your emergency supplies kit, make sure to include the following:

  • A three-day supply of non-perishable food and water

  • A first-aid kit

  • A flashlight

  • A battery-operated radio

  • Extra batteries

  • A map of the area

  • A whistle

  • A dust mask

  • Moist towelettes

  • Garbage bags

  • A can opener

  • A wrench or pliers

  • An emergency flare

  • A multi-purpose tool

  • A charged cell phone

How to Assemble and Maintain Your Emergency Supplies Kit

Your emergency kits can be assembled into new, clean backpacks, plastic bins, or other easy-to-move storage containers. Store the kits in a cool, dry place, preferably close to whichever room you will shelter in. Check your supplies at least once a year, swapping out expired items as needed.

When disaster strikes, the last thing you want to worry about is your home insurance coverage. Wai Cheng Insurance Inc. is a Bay Area, CA based insurance company that offers dwelling coverage, personal property coverage, and liability coverage. Reach out to us today to learn more.

Home Insurance: What to Know Before You Buy

Home insurance is one of those things that you hope you never have to use, but it’s there for peace of mind in case the worst happens. Since your home is likely your most valuable asset, it makes sense to protect it in case of fire, theft, or other damage.

But what exactly does home insurance cover? And how much should you buy?

Wai Cheng Insurance Inc. in Bay Area, CA explores these questions and more in this guide, so you can make an informed decision about whether home insurance is right for you. 

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

Home insurance typically covers the structure of your home and your personal belongings inside. This can include things like furniture, clothing, and electronics. Some policies also cover detached structures on your property, like a shed or garage. If you have valuable items like jewelry or art, you may want to add them to your policy as well.

Most home insurance policies will also cover some amount of liability in case someone is injured on your property. This can be helpful if, for example, a delivery person slips and falls on your front steps.

What Does Home Insurance Not Cover?

There are some things that home insurance doesn’t cover, such as damage from earthquakes or floods. You may be able to purchase additional coverage for these types of disasters, but it’s important to know that they’re not typically included in a standard home insurance policy.

Another thing to keep in mind is that home insurance generally won’t cover damage resulting from poor maintenance. So, if your roof leaks because you haven’t had it repaired in a while, your home insurance policy probably won’t cover the resulting damage.

How Much Home Insurance Should You Buy?

The amount of home insurance you need depends on a few factors, such as the value of your home and belongings and the amount of liability coverage you feel comfortable with. It’s a good idea to get an estimate of the replacement cost of your home before you start shopping for insurance, so you have an idea of how much coverage you need.

Now that you know a bit more about home insurance, you can decide if it’s right for you. If you’re looking for home insurance in the Bay Area, CA, Wai Cheng Insurance Inc. can help. We offer a variety of coverage options to meet your needs and budget. Contact us today for a free quote.

Home Insurance Buying Guide

Although homeowners insurance is not legally required – unless you have a mortgage – it is truly a necessity. In short, home insurance protects both your home and belongings from covered perils like damage and theft. 

What is Covered By Homeowners Insurance

In the event of a covered incident such as fire, hurricanes, vandalism, and lightning your insurer will pay for your house to be repaired or rebuilt up to your policy limits. Bear in mind that destruction from earthquakes, floods, and improper home maintenance is not likely to be covered. If your home has any free-standing structures like a garage or sheds these may need a separate policy to be covered. Contents inside your home including furniture, art, jewelry, appliances, clothing, and electronics are covered if destroyed during a covered disaster. Most policies will provide coverage on your belongings for between 50% to 70% of your home structure’s cost. For example,  if your home is insured for $200,000 then there would be up to $140,000 of coverage for your personal belongings. 

Liability Coverage

Liability coverage protects you from being sued by third parties due to accidents that happen at your house. Examples include a repairperson slipping on icy steps, a dog biting a neighbor, and more. The more possessions you own and the higher value they possess, the more liability insurance that you’ll want to purchase. 

At Wai Cheng Insurance Inc. in Bay Area, CA our talented team of insurance professionals knows the insurance market better than the rest and are happy to help with all your home insurance needs. We’ll create a customized insurance policy that ensures your home, possessions, and interests are protected should a claim ever need to be filed.