Does my auto insurance cover me or my vehicle?

The Bay Area of California is one of the most beautiful in the country. Just a short drive takes you to Muir Woods or south to Monterey. Driving is scenic and like everywhere else in the county means dealing with lots of other drivers. More drivers mean more risk. Having a good auto insurance policy can give you the confidence you need to face heavy traffic. At Wai Cheng Insurance Inc. in Bay Area, CA, we have more than 20 years of experience, and we work with our clients to find the best policy to fit their needs. 

Whether your auto insurance covers you or your vehicle is an important question. Does anyone else ever drive your car? Would you turn down a friend who asked to borrow your car because you are not sure about the insurance liability? Chances are you wouldn’t. You on the other hand may drive a vehicle that is not your own, and where does that leave you? 

Typically, the auto insurance coverage is on the vehicle. This is good news for you if you have good coverage on your vehicle and are likely to let someone else drive it. Being in control is always good, and you know you won’t end up holding the bag. If however, you are driving someone’s car whose coverage you have doubts about, it may make you less likely to actually do it. Just be aware that if you do cause an accident in someone else’s car, you should still be responsible to pay the deductible amount they have on their policy. 

If you are in the market for auto insurance, at Wai Cheng Insurance Inc. in Bay Area, CA we have a tool on our website to get a quote, or you can give us a call.